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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第19部分

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e universe through themedium of another kind of intellect than those with which hehabitually held converse。 It was as if a window were thrown open;admitting a freer atmosphere into the close and stifled study; wherehis life was wasting itself away; amid lamplight; or obstructedday…beams; and the musty fragrance; be it sensual or moral; thatexhales from books。 But the air was too fresh and chill to be longbreathed with fort。 So the minister; and the physician with him;withdrew again within the limits of what their church defined asorthodox。  Thus Roger Chillingworth scrutinised his patient carefully; bothas he saw him in his ordinary life; keeping an accustomed pathway inthe range of thoughts familiar to him; and as he appeared whenthrown amidst other moral scenery; the novelty of which might call outsomething new to the surface of his character。 He deemed it essential;it would seem; to know the man; before attempting to do him good。Wherever there is a heart and an intellect; the diseases of thephysical frame are tinged with the peculiarities of these。 In ArthurDimmesdale; thought and imagination were so active; and sensibility sointense; that the bodily infirmity would be likely to have itsgroundwork there。 So Roger Chillingworth… the man of skill; the kindand friendly physician… strove to go deep into his patient's bosom;delving among his principles; prying into his recollections; andprobing everything with a cautious touch; like a treasure…seeker ina dark cavern。 Few secrets can escape an investigator; who hasopportunity and license to undertake such a quest; and skill to followit up。 A man burdened with a secret should especially avoid theintimacy of his physician。 If the latter possess native sagacity;and a nameless something more… let us call it intuition; if he show nointrusive egotism; nor disagreeably prominent characteristics of hisown; if he have the power; which must be born with him; to bring hismind into such affinity with his patient's; that this last shallunawares have spoken what he imagines himself only to have thought; ifsuch revelations be received without tumult; and acknowledged not sooften by an uttered sympathy as by silence; an inarticulate breath;and here and there a word; to indicate that all is understood; if tothese qualifications of a confidant be joined the advantagesafforded by his recognised character as a physician… then; at someinevitable moment; will the soul of the sufferer be dissolved; andflow forth in a dark; but transparent stream; bringing all itsmysteries into the daylight。  Roger Chillingworth possessed all; or most; of the attributesabove enumerated。 Nevertheless; time went on; a kind of intimacy; aswe have said; grew up between these two cultivated minds; which had aswide a field as the whole sphere of human thought and study; to meetupon; they discussed every topic of ethics and religion; of publicaffairs; and private character; they talked much; on both sides; ofmatters that seemed personal to themselves; and yet no secret; such asthe physician fancied must exist there; ever stole out of theminister's consciousness into his panion's ear。 The latter hadhis suspicions; indeed; that even the nature of Mr。 Dimmesdale'sbodily disease had never fairly been revealed to him。 It was a strangereserve!  After a time; at a hint from Roger Chillingworth; the friends of Mr。Dimmesdale effected an arrangement by which the two were lodged in thesame house; so that every ebb and flow of the minister's life…tidemight pass under the eye of his anxious and attached physician。There was much joy throughout the town; when this greatly desirableobject was attained。 It was held to be the best possible measure forthe young clergyman's welfare: unless; indeed; as often urged bysuch as felt authorised to do so; he had selected some one of the manyblooming damsels; spiritually devoted to him; to bee his devotedwife。 This latter step; however; there was no present prospect thatArthur Dimmesdale would be prevailed upon to take; he rejected allsuggestions of the kind; as if priestly celibacy were one of hisarticles of church…discipline。 Doomed by his own choice; therefore; asMr。 Dimmesdale so evidently was; to eat his unsavoury morsel always atanother's board; and endure the lifelong chill which must be his lotwho seeks to warm himself only at another's fireside; it trulyseemed that this sagacious; experienced; benevolent old physician;with his concord of paternal and reverential love for the youngpastor; was the very man; of all mankind; to be constantly withinreach of his voice。  The new abode of the two friends was with a pious widow; of goodsocial rank; who dwelt in a house covering pretty nearly the site onwhich the venerable structure of King's Chapel has since been built。It had the graveyard; originally Isaac Johnson's home…field; on oneside; and so was well adapted to call up serious reflections; suitedto their respective employments; in both minister and man of physic。The motherly care of the good widow assigned to Mr。 Dimmesdale a frontapartment; with a sunny exposure; and heavy window…curtains; to createa noon…tide shadow; when desirable。 The walls were hung round withtapestry; said to be from the Gobelin looms; and; at all events;representing the Scriptural story of David and Bathsheba; and Nathanthe Prophet; in colours still unfaded; but which made the fair womanof the scene almost as grimly picturesque as the woe…denouncingseer。 Here; the pale clergyman piled up his library; rich withparchment…bound folios of the Fathers; and the lore of Rabbis; andmonkish erudition; of which the Protestant divines; even while theyvilified and decried that class of writers; were yet constrained oftento avail themselves。 On the other side of the house; old RogerChillingworth arranged his study and laboratory; not such as amodern man of science would reckon even tolerably plete; butprovided with a distilling apparatus; and the means of poundingdrugs and chemicals; which the practised alchemist knew well how toturn to purpose。 With such modiousness of situation; these twolearned persons sat themselves down; each in his own domain; yetfamiliarly passing from one apartment to the other; and bestowing amutual and not incurious inspection into one another's business。  And the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale's best discerning friends; aswe have intimated; very reasonably imagined that the hand ofProvidence had done all this; for the purpose… besought in so manypublic; and domestic; and secret prayers… of restoring the youngminister to health。 But… it must now be said… another portion of themunity had latterly begun to take its own view of the relationbetwixt Mr。 Dimmesdale and the mysterious old physician。 When anuninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes; it isexceedingly apt to be deceived。 When; however; it forms itsjudgment; as it usually does; on the intuitions of its great andwarm heart; the conclusions thus attained are often so profound and sounerring; as to possess the character of truths supernaturallyrevealed。 The people; in the case of which we speak; could justify itsprejudice against Roger Chillingworth by no fact or argument worthy ofserious refutation。 There was an aged handicraftsman; it is true;who had been a citizen of London at the period of Sir ThomasOverbury's murder; now some thirty years agone; he testified to havingseen the physician; under some other name; which the narrator of thestory had now forgotten; in pany with Doctor Forman; the famous oldconjurer; who was implicated in the affair of Overbury。 Two or threeindividuals hinted; that the man of skill; during his Indiancaptivity; had enlarged his medical attainments by joining in theincantations of the savage priests; who were universallyacknowledged to be powerful enchanters; often performing seeminglymiraculous cures by their skill in the black art。 A large number…and many of these were persons of such sober sense and practicalobservation that their opinions would have been valuable in othermatters… affirmed that Roger Chillingworth's aspect had undergone aremarkable change while he had dwelt in town; and especially since hisabode with Mr。 Dimmesdale。 At first; his expression had been calm;meditative; scholar…like。 Now; there was something ugly and evil inhis face; which they had not previously noticed; and which grewstill the more obvious to sight; the oftener they looked upon him。According to the vulgar idea; the fire in his laboratory had beenbrought from the lower regions; and was fed with infernal fuel; andso; as might be expected; his visage was getting sooty with the smoke。  To sum up the matter; it grew to be a widely diffused opinion;that the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale; like many other personages ofespecial sanctity; in all ages of the Christian world; was hauntedeither by Satan himself; or Satan's emissary; in the guise of oldRoger Chillingworth。 This diabolical agent had the Divinepermission; for a season; to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy; andplot against his soul。 No sensible man; it was confessed; coulddoubt on which side the victory would turn。 The people looked; with anunshaken hope; to see the minister e forth out of the conflict;transfigured with the glory eanwhile; nevertheless; it was sad to think of the perchance mortalagony through which he must struggle towards his triumph。  Alas! to judge from the gloom and terror in the depths of the poorminister's eyes; the battle was a sore one; and the victory anythingbut secure。                             X。                  THE LEECH AND HIS PATIENT。  OLD Roger Chillingworth; throughout life; had been calm intemperament; kindly; though not of warm affections; but ever; and inall his relations with the world; a pure and upright man。 He had begunan investigation; as he imagined; with the severe and equalintegrity of a judge; desirous only of truth; even as if thequestion involved no more than the air…drawn lines and figures of ageometrical problem; instead of human passions; and wrongs inflictedon himself。 But; as he proceeded; a terrible fascination; a kind offierce; though still calm; necessity seized the old man within itsgripe; and never set him free again; until he had done all itsbidding。 He now dug into the poor clergyman's heart; like a minersearching for gold; or; rather; like a sexton delving into a grave;possibly in quest of a jewel that had been buried on the dead man'sbosom; but likely to find nothing save mortality and corruption。Alas for his own soul; if these were what he sought!  Sometimes; a light glimmered out of the physician's eyes; burningblue and ominous; like the reflection of a furnace; or; let us say;like one of those gleams of ghastly fire that darted from Bunyan'sawful doorway in the hill…side; and quivered on the pilgrim's face。The soil where this dark miner was working had perchance shownindications that encouraged him。  〃This man;〃 said he; at one such moment; to himself; 〃pure as theydeem him… all spiritual as he seems… hath inherited a strong animalnature from his father or his mother。 Let us dig a little farther inthe direction of this vein!〃  Then; after long search into the minister's dim interior; andturning over many precious materials; in the shape of high aspirationsfor the welfare of his race; warm love of souls; pure sentiments;natural piety; strengthened by thought and study; and illuminated byrevelation… all of which invaluable gold was perhaps no better thanrubbish to the seeker… he would turn back; discouraged; and beginhis quest towards another point。 He groped along as stealthily; withas cautious a tread; and as wary an outlook; as a thief entering achamber where a man lies only half asleep… or; it may be; broad awake…with purpose to steal the very treasure which this man guards as theapple of his eye。 In spite of his premeditated carefulness; thefloor would now and then creak; his garments would rustle; theshadow of his presence; in a forbidden proximity; would be thrownacross his victim。 In other words; Mr。 Dimmesdale; whose sensibilityof nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition; wouldbee vaguely aware that something inimical to his peace had thrustitself into relation with him。 But old Roger Chillingworth; too; hadperceptions that were almost intuitive; and when the minister threwhis startled eyes towards him; there the physician 
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