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gossip girl 8 英文-第5部分

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the book fair and the scholarship fund drive。 It was a lot of work; and now that it was the end of 
senior year and everyone was already into college; no one cared。 

?Moving on; I?m pleased to announce?drumroll; please?our senior class graduation speaker is ? 
Blair Waldorf! Yay; Blair!!? Mimi jumped up and down on her stubby legs and clapped her hands 
over her head like this was the best thing that had ever happened。 

Take that; you bitch!Blair gloated silently at the back of Serena?s pale blond head。That?s what 
you get for trying to sabotage me。 

The lounge hummed with gossip as everyone discussed the results。 No one had really wanted 
Blair to be speaker; because her whole speech was going to be about herself; but they questioned 
Serena?s ability to write a coherent speech。 

?She?s so dumb from all the drugs she did up at boarding school; she?d probably have to bribe 
Blair to write the speech for her anyway;? Laura Salmon whispered to Rain Hoffstetter。 

?I heard Serena dropped out;? Rain whispered back。 ?Nate gave her some gross STD and she?s 
going to miss graduation anyway because she has to go to some clinic in Belgium to try and get 

?Is that true?? Blair wondered out loud。 Not about the STD part; but about the 
dropping…out…of…the…running…for…senior…speaker part。 She was reluctant to prolong homeroom; 
because there were only five more minutes left for her to get changed; powdered; glossed; and 
perfumed before she was scheduled to meet up with a very hot English lord who?d promised to 
spend the afternoon dress shopping with her。 Last night over Ketel One martinis; Lord Marcus had 
confessed that his squash game had been a total disaster because he?d been thinking about her the 
whole time。 And Blair had confessed to Googling him the minute she?d unpacked her laptop。 His 
family; the Beaton…Rhodeses; owned the largest textile mill in England and lived in a very huge 
and historical old mansion outside of London。 They also owned a villa near Milan and a beach 
pound in Barbados。 Marcus?s parents were special friends of the royal family; and Marcus 
himself had even attended Princess Diana?s funeral。 He was listed byHello! magazine as one of 
the most eligible young bachelors in England; and Blair was determined to win his heart before 
any of those greedy English bitches got to him。 But first she needed to know if she?d beaten 
Serena by getting elected senior speaker or if she?d only won because she was the only girl left in 
the running。 She glared at Serena and repeated; ?Is that true?? 

Serena squirmed in her seat; pulling her school uniform down over her bare knees and pulling up 
her pale yellow ankle socks so they looked nerdy and ridiculous。 She?d wanted her act of 
martyrdom to go unnoticed by the rest of the senior class。 Now everyone knew about it。 ?Is there a 
problem?? she responded; sounding a lot bitchier than she?d intended。 

?But Blair; youwant to be our speaker; right?? Vanessa Abrams asked from her seat right next to 
Blair?s。 Vanessa was wearing a black tank top and no bra and should have been sent home for 
being inappropriate and out of uniform。 Normally this sort of go…class…go type of homeroom drove 
her nuts; but she?d been feeling so nostalgic about graduating lately; she was actually sort of into 

?Yes;? Blair admitted。 ?I do。? 

Vanessa rolled her eyes and gave her friend?s arm a gentle little shove。 ?Then what do you care?? 

Blair shrugged。 ?Can we go now?? she asked Mimi; eager to get out of her uniform and into the 
tight white Juicy Couture clamdiggers and green Marni halter top she?d brought to wear shopping 
with Lord Marcus。 

Serena shot Vanessa a grateful glance。 She really hadn?t meant to make a fuss。 And maybe; when 
she thought about it later?like; years later; when they both had blue old…lady hair and had retired to 
Mustique or some other hot and sunny place; Blair might hate her a little less。 

After homeroom; the senior girls congregated outside Constance Billard?s great blue doors; still 
buzzing about the senior speaker situation。 They couldn?t help but notice the gorgeous; tall; 
golden…haired boy who was standing on the sidewalk only a few feet away; wearing perfectly 
ironed jeans and the cutest salmon…pink…and…white checked Thomas Pink button…down shirt。 Blair 
brushed by them wearing a pletely different outfit from what she?d worn to school that day; 
sprinted down the steps; and; to their plete amazement; kissed the boy on the cheek without 
even stopping for air。 

?Nice to see you too;? Lord Marcus chuckled; holding her arms and looking her up and down 

Blair blushed hot pink down to her jade green Kate Spade flats。 God; he was dreamy?even better 
than the boy she?d dreamed up to star opposite her in the movie in her mind; because he wasreal; 
androyal; and more perfect than Nate could ever attempt to be。 

Last night at the Yale Club bar; when she?d begun to slur her words from drinking too much 
Ketel One; he?d held her hand all the way back to their rooms; kissing it gently before he said 
good night。 Blair had swooned so hard she almost puked。 How could something so insanely sexy 
e so effortlessly to him? It had been all she could do to keep herself from sledgehammering 
the wall between them with her black salon…size Vidal Sassoon hair dryer and jumping his 
adorable bones。 

The group of senior girls clustered in front of the school in their matching light blue seersucker 
uniforms; looking a little like the pigeons roosting in the eaves of the school roof as they stared 
incredulously at Blair and her hot British lord。 

?What; did she; like; create him in a lab or something?? Laura Salmon demanded with a mixture 
of jealousy and awe。 

She pulled her white eyelet blouse down tight across her chest in a lame attempt to show off her 
new red DKNY demicup bra。 

?He?s pletely perfect;? Isabel Coates breathed; yanking out some of the bobby pins holding 
down her grown…out brown bangs。 ?But I bet he; like; washes dishes at the Yale Club or 

?Actually; I think he?s her cousin?you know how she has that aunt in Scotland?? Rain 
improvised。 ?She?s just pretending he?s her hunky new boyfriend to make Nate jealous。? 

?But Nate?s not even here;? Kati Farkas pouted; her shiny pink lower lip jutting out in a way that 
made her look even dumber than she actually was。 

?No; but Serena is;? Isabel remarked insightfully。 

The girls turned to stare at Serena; who had just stepped outside the blue doors。 She adjusted the 
earphones on her pink iPod mini and blinked her gigantic lake…blue eyes; her long; pale blond hair 
gleaming in the bright; hot sun。 She waved to the other girls and then started on her merry way; 
traipsing down the steps until she caught sight of Blair; hanging on the lapels of her royal British 

Lord Marcus was about to hail them a cab down to the Oscar de la Renta boutique on Madison 
and Sixty…sixth Street; where he?d promised to help Blair sort out her graduation dress issues; 
when Blair suddenly grabbed his pink…and…white checked shirt; nearly ripping it off his body。 

?Kiss menow ;? she told him urgently。 Of course it was sort of unexpected?they?d only just met 
yesterday?but didn?t that make it all the more romantic? 

Or all the more bizarre。 

?Because somebody?s looking or because you want me to?? Lord Marcus responded with an 
amused; irresistible smile that made it very clear he didn?t care either way。 

?Both。? Blair closed her eyes in anticipation of the kiss。 Of course she wasn?t in love;yet。 It was 
theidea of Lord Marcus she loved。 But their first kiss lasted longer than an on…screen kiss; tasted 
better than steak frites; and felt better than a day…dream?waybetter。 It certainly wouldn?t take 
much for her to fall genuinely in love。 She was definitely almost there。 

A cab pulled to a stop beside them and; his lips still pressed against Blair?s; Lord Marcus raised 
his hand to flag it。 But the cab was already occupied by a very tense Nate Archibald。 Nate opened 
the cab door; and Lord Marcus and Blair stepped aside to allow Serena to breeze past them and 
into the backseat。 She pulled the door closed; looking up at Blair and Lord Marcus through the 
window with her huge blue eyes。 Blair stared back; her body pressed against Lord Marcus。 Serena 
lifted her hand to wave at them; her perfect lips parting in a smile as the cab took off toward Fifth 

And even though Serena was already gone; Blair smiled back。 Because for once in her life; she 
honestly didn?t give a damn where they were going。 

guess who?s bonking in bergdorf?s? 

Located at Fifth Avenue and Fifty…eighth Street; Bergdorf Goodman was one of the oldest and 
most beautiful luxury department stores in Manhattan。 It was the first store Serena?s mother had 
ever taken her shopping in; and even though it was stuffier and more old…fashioned than Barneys 
or Bendel?s; it seemed like the appropriate place to buy her graduation dress。 She?d asked Nate to 

e along only because she needed a second opinion; although with his standard uniform of 
well…worn knit polo shirts or white button…downs and khakis; Nate wasn?t exactly astute when it 
came to fashion。 

?I wonder where Blair met him;? Serena mused aloud as Bergdorf?s sleek ivory…colored elevator 
whisked them up to the third floor。 

Nate didn?t respond。 He was staring at Serena?s boobs。 They were hard looking; like the small 
Empire apples that grew on his family?s estate on Mt。 Desert Island; Maine。 He had taken a couple 
of Coach Michaels?s Viagras on his way to pick her up and he was pretty sure he was beginning to 
feel the effect。 There was a lot of pressure down there; like a handless hand job; and if he didn?t 
do something about it soon; things were going to get kind of messy。 

 Like; how soon? 

The elevator doors glided open and Serena was immediately drawn to a rack of exquisitely made 
white Oscar de la Renta suits?swishy pleated knee…length skirts and fitted jackets with cool white 
leather belts decorated with adorable little white leather bows。 

?I don?t know why I even care;? she continued as she fingered the suits without even noticing 
that Nate was staring at her like she was a slice of extra…cheese pizza hot out of a Ray?s Original 
Pizza oven。 ?Blair will probably never talk to me again。? 

?May I help you?? offered a bulky middle…aged sales…woman with a gold Bergdorf?s name tag 
that read JOAN。 Joan was wearing a purple Chanel suit that did nothing for her lumpy hips and 
piano legs。 

?I need to try these on in a size four。? Serena pointed to three of the white Oscar de la Renta suits。 
Until now she hadn?t thought of wearing a suit to graduation instead of a dress; but it seemed to 
make perfect sense。 She?d never been the frilly…white…dress type anyway; and there was something 
so crisp and final about the suits that made them totally perfect for graduation。 

Nate was practically bursting as he followed Serena and Joan to the ladies?fitting room。 He stood 
just outside as Joan hung up the suits; closed the heavy gray velvet curtain; and then hurried off to 
find something else she thought Serena might like。 Now was his chance。 

He yanked the curtain open。 Serena had unbuttoned her uniform。 Her white polo shirt was around 
her neck and she was wearing only a flimsy white camisole instead of a bra underneath。 ?Hey;? 
she greeted him with a shy smile。 ?It?s okay if you e in。? 

Nate yanked the curtain shut with one hand as he unbuckled his belt with the other。Go; go; go! 

Serena began to remove one of the suits from the hanger。 Then she noticed Nate staring at her 
with his pants around his ankles。 


?Nate; what are you doing?? His brilliant green eyes glittered and his thin lips parted hungrily; 
like he hadn?t eaten lunch or something。 She giggled and crossed her arms over her chest。 ?They 
don?t have cameras in these things; do they?? 

As if either of them cared? 

He grabbed her camisole and yanked it away from her body; ripping it entirely in half in the 
process。 Serena dropped the suit on the dressing room floor and grab
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